About Us

At Trawell.io, we understand that every traveler is unique, and we strive to provide information that caters to all kinds of travelers.

Whether you are visiting a city for the first time or planning to relocate, we have you covered. Our website provides a basic understanding of the city you are visiting, including information on transportation, accommodation, food, culture, and more. This information is especially useful for first-time travelers who may be unfamiliar with the local customs and traditions.

We also recognize the importance of providing information for migrants and expats. Moving to a new city can be daunting, and our website provides valuable insights into the local community and culture. From finding a job to locating the nearest grocery store, we provide all the information you need to settle into your new home.

While we don't know what the future holds for Trawell.io, we are committed to making our website useful and inspirational for all kinds of travelers. We believe that everyone should have the ability to add their own unique insights and experiences to our wiki, and we welcome contributions from travelers and locals alike. Whether you want to share your favorite restaurant or recommend a hidden gem, we encourage you to add your own knowledge to our website! 💓

Meet Our Team

Photo of Milad Mardiha in the woods

Milad Mardiha


Kourosh Razavi by the beach

Kourosh Razavi
